What is a stone bruise

Stone Bruise: Bruise on Bottom of Foot


A stone bruise can cause discomfort on the heel’s pad as well as on the sole of your foot. There are two different meanings for the word. One is when you fall on a small item and it hurts, the pain will last for a long time after the object has been placed on. Another example is when you place the weight of your foot on the painful part of your foot and you feel the sensation of the feeling of stepping over a stone.

What is a stone bruise?

The term is usually an informal term for sensations that feel like you’re walking on a rock. Sometimes, you’ll be able to jab your toe each when you step.

Normally you get a stone bruising because of an injury or impact on the bottom on your feet. In many cases, it’s caused by stepping down on a small, hard object, like rocks. But, this is also affecting runners.

If a runner is prone to too many impacts on the ground, he is more likely to experience stones bruises. This is particularly the case if they race on terrain that is rocky.

The foot discomfort caused by a stone bruise usually occurs immediately. However the pain can occur for after to 24 to 48 hours as well. It’s normal to have a bump like this one that affect your every step.

What risk factors exist in the case of a Stone Bruise?

Certain individuals tend to get an injury quicker than others, or to have their pain become more severe or more long-lasting.

We’ve already discussed people who are runners, however any exercise that requires frequent, intense, and repeated impact to feet due to running or jumping can increase the risk of these kinds of injuries. This is why we emphasize proper conditioning and stopping excessive use in athletes. Going too fast, or too hard can lead to injuries and pain.

But, there are other factors, both internal and external, which can contribute to the risk to suffer from stone injuries. An abnormality in the structure like high arches or flat feet could alter the way forces and weight are distributed over each foot, resulting in more pressure and an increased risk of injury in specific areas.

Other Factors to be Considered

·         Extra weight

More weight means more pressure on the feet with each step.

·      The process of aging

The older you are, the less of a foot protecting fat pad you have which is usually located at the bottom of your foot.

·      Poor footwear

This can range from athletic footwear whose supporting properties have worn off or high heels that push excessive pressure towards your foot’s front.

·         Medical disease

Toe-related deformities like bunions, and degenerative diseases such as diabetes and Rheumatoid Arthritis can all impact the foot’s structure in ways which make it more vulnerable to stones bruises and injuries.

Medical Conditions that can cause Foot Pain

Plantar Fasciitis

The plantar fascia comprises a band of connective tissue that connects your toes with the heel bone. If that tissue is inflamed, it’s known as plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is often manifested by a sharp discomfort in the foot’s sole, most often close to the heel. The pain caused by plantar fasciitis is usually more intense following an exercise, but not during it.

The treatment for plantar fasciitis consists of:

  • OTC painkillers such as Ibuprofen (Advil) as well as naproxen (Aleve)
  • Stretching and physical therapy
  • A splint that can be worn when you sleep
  • Orthotics, custom-fitted arch supports, and custom-designed arch support
  • Steroid injections
  • Surgery

Heel Spur

The heel spur can be described as an ossified bone (osteophyte) that usually develops in the heel’s front bone. It extends towards the arch of your foot.

To alleviate the pain with a heel spur your doctor may recommend the use of an OTC painkiller, like Acetaminophen (Tylenol). Other options include:

  • Physical therapy
  • Orthotics
  • Shoe suggestions
  • Night splint
  • Surgery

The Stress Fracture

Overuse of a repetitive force like running for long distances, may create tiny cracks, known as stress fractures in the bones of the foot. The procedure for foot stress fractures is uncommon.

The focus of treatment is usually to reduce the amount of weight that is placed on the area until it begins to heal. This is usually done by using:

  • Crutches
  • A brace
  • A walking boot

Morton Neuroma

Morton’s Neuroma happens when the tissue that surrounds the digital nerve that connects your bones for your toes gets more swollen. The most common time for this is at the point between your third and fourth toes. It is more likely to affect women than men.

In the case of Morton’s Neuroma, you might feel a burning sensation in the foot’s ball. In many cases, you’ll feel discomfort in the toes. The pain is more noticeable when you wear shoes or engage in activities that involve walking or running.

The treatment options for Morton’s neuroma may consist of:

  • Switching to a different type of shoe (wide and low heal or soft sole)
  • Receiving an injection of corticosteroid
  • Utilizing orthotics
  • Receiving an injection of steroids

What are the ways Stone Bruises Treated?

Most of the time stone-related bruises can be treated effectively using simple RICE strategies which include rest, ice, compression and elevation. The pain and swelling should be anticipated to diminish within one week.

It could be that your bruise isn’t a stone bruising in the end, but a different issue like fractures of the bone caused by stress. It is also a condition that requires some time off, but an alternative approach could be required.

Stone bruises and other types of heel and foot discomfort which keep recurring indicate that something must be addressed or changed.

These treatments may require changes to shoes or routines for exercise. If there’s an underlying foot structure issue, custom orthotics might be suggested to ensure precise comfort and support in the areas that are necessary, and to reduce stress in areas where it shouldn’t.

If you’re dealing with a difficult or severe condition that has a negative impact on your everyday mobility, contact a doctor immediately.


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